After the ‘hot takes’ – lessons from the US election

I’m dubious of ‘hot takes’ of what just happened, and that what it means for the future – and there were loads of these hot takes going around after the US elections back in November.

But now a few months have passed, I’ve found myself coming back to a few pieces written by smarter people than me on what lessons there might be for those of us interested in progressive politics here in the UK.

It all comes with the caveat that the US is very different politically from the UK – and we’re not due another General Election for a few years, and that we should be spending way more energy learning from other comparative democracies closer to home – on that I’d recommend a read of this from the More in Common team based on the French elections back in the summer.

But I’ve found myself reflecting that we do need to at least take a moment to reflect on the lessons – both from what the rise of far-right populism that is emerging across the developed world, and also what it tells us about how the electorate is engaged in politics.

  1. Your experience of the economy is not my experience of the economy – I found this by Andrew Pendleton an excellent read how people experience the economy, and what it means for politics. There is lots of talk about growth, and how GDP is increasing, but that as Andrew writes that’s not most people’s experience of the economy, and ‘the problem of stagnant average living standards, coupled with failing public services, along with high levels of inequality…is a potent mix”. The adage that it’s all about the economy is true, but how you experience the economy is often very from others.
  1. Go to where people are and connect with them on a hyperlocal level – Campaign Lab, led by Hannah O’Rourke, has some practical lessons for progressive campaigners, bringing together learning from their experiences of working on the Labour election victory and reflections from the US. One stands out, about the need at a time when trust in national politics is collapsing to “root their efforts in local soil. The local level provides that crucial bridge between people, politics, and place – it’s where abstract policies become tangible and mean something to people” and a challenge that progressive activists ‘waste too much money waiting for people to come to them, instead of going to where people are already organising and talking” (something that was very much echoed by Hahrie Han during her recent book tour in the UK)
  1. Campaigns are fought on terrain set by culture – I really appreciated this piece on Semafor (h/t Paul at Rally) with lessons from those involved in the Harris digital campaign, and the role that culture plays in delivering a message ‘“Campaigns, in many ways, are last-mile marketers that exist on terrain that is set by culture, and the institutions by which Democrats have historically had the ability to influence culture are losing relevance’ and the challenge not to just focus on the spaces that  – unless ‘the race was going to come down to voters who do not pay attention to politics or mainstream news and instead get their information from people on YouTube, their friends’ Instagram stories, or links or memes dropped in a group chat’. Two lessons that instinctively make sense when written out but ones I see many campaigners overlook.

4. How we communicate is changing – and quickly – a colleagues passed the short piece above on so I don’t know the original source, but I liked how it explored how strategic comms approaches are changing with the key principles now being ‘volume, iterate rather than perfect, move fast and apologise rather than ask permission, and build up a community (“cult”) of people who are really passionate about your cause and talk directly to them rather than through intermediaries / gatekeepers’. You might not agree with everything in it, but one to be aware when thinking about how other brands, organisations and campaigns will be approaching communications.

    How to follow the General Election as a curious campaigner

    With the election campaign in full swing, here are some thoughts on how can you take a step back to follow the election as a curious campaigner – rather than get swept up with the latest ‘hot takes’.

    I LOVE elections!

    So since the General Election was called I’ve spent way too much time scrolling through Twitter/X, listening to the latest podcast and gossiping away on WhatsApp.

    But with the campaigns in full swing, here are some thoughts on how to follow the election as a curious campaigner.

    1 – Get beyond the ‘what’s happened’ analysis – there are some brilliant people getting under the skin of the election campaign to help unpack the tactics and approaches that the parties are using, as there are lots of interesting ideas for campaigners to take.

    I’ve especially been enjoying ex-Labour adviser Dr Nick Bowes daily updates on LinkedIn, Benedict Pringle who’s been taking a deep dive at the advertising strategies of the parties, Aggie Chambre on the Politico Westminster Insider podcast and Tom Hamilton’s excellent Substack ‘Dividing Lines’ on the art of political attack.

    2 – Follow the election on a different platform – The parties are all investing huge amounts of money and time in digital campaign, so it’s been interesting to dive onto some less familiar social media platforms to see how the parties are approaching different audiences.

    What you see on Facebook is very different from what you’ll get on Instagram – and there full of creative and innovative ideas about how to communicate your message. I thought this was good on the approach the parties are taking on TikTok.

    3 – Jump into listen to a Focus Group – amongst the pollsters I find that More in Common consistently share some of the most interesting polling insight (and not just on the way your biscuit preference informs your vote).

    They’ve got a great series of deep dives looking at the polling on different issues, but they’ve also launched Focus Groups Live – which is bringing the views of focus groups, that are often only accessible to those who fund them to everyone. A great way to listen to what others are thinking. I’d also recommend The Times Radio Focus Groups.

    And if you want the ultimate Focus Group then I’d strongly encourage you to pick a party or candidate you want to support and go knock on some doors for them to see what voters are really thinking.

    4 – Pick some different constituency races and follow from your laptop – depending on where you live, you might be getting fed up of hearing from the parties who are competing for your vote, or if you live in a safe seat feeling like you’ve been totally overlooked.

    But thanks to internet you can do that from the comfort of your sofa – so pick some races that are different to where you live, follow the candidates on social media, see what they’re serving up on the Facebook Ad Library and set up Google News alerts to get a sense of how the parties are approaching winning over voters in very different parts of the country.

    The team at Democracy Club also have Election Leaflets. Don’t have time to do that, then I’d recommend Who Targets Me for getting more on what the parties are doing.

    5- Watch the news with the sound off – this was one my top takeaways from this Institute of Government discussion on communication strategies at the election – the point being that many people are watching the news on TV while trying to feed the kids, get the washing in, or rush out to the gym, and often with the sound off.

    So the pictures and visuals matter as much as the words. A good reminder that as campaigners that it’s not all about the policy narrative – and often about the images that are linked with your campaign.