What are the 10 best campaign films?

Can you help me put together a list of the top 10 campaign films? 
Here are a few more brilliant campaign/advocacy films from the last few months that I think could be worthy of inclusion in any list of ‘top advocacy films’. Do you agree? What else would you add?
These films supplement my suggestions in this post from last summer. Use the comments box below to make your nominations and the reason why.
1 – The new Robin Hood Tax film that you can star in….It’s a bit too long and the ask at the end isn’t clear, but because I really like the way it invites supporters to be part of the campaign. A campaign first?

2 – VW: The Dark Side. Cleverly made by Greenpeace and because it created a media story when LucasFilms demanded it was pulled from You Tube.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXndQuvOacU]
3 – The secret Clooney Commercial that shocked Nespresso… by SOLIDAR, its been making me smile ever since I first saw it and because the campaign targeting is genius.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhzHRuhzPSE]
4. The Girl Effect. Simple but effective.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIvmE4_KMNw]
I’d love to know what you would include? What would go in your list of top 10 campaign films?